Oct 17, 2024

The Headwaters of Our Troubles

I suspect this article from someone you don’t even know may have inserted itself into your already jam packed day.  And besides that, its print is a bit smaller and there’s a lot of it.  So, it may be that, “Sorry,” won’t be enough to keep you from immediately moving on to some new web place.  But I’m hoping a sincere, “Please don’t. I promise it deserves a read.” might secure its reprieve.  And, if it does, please know that I (Larry Burnett, by the way) am very grateful for that kindness.

 So, I’ll get right to it.  Years ago, when I was learning to fly, I read these words of wisdom from a highly experienced airline pilot. He was writing of the dangers of flying into inclement weather.  He said, “Remember, the weather is not what someone forecasts. The weather is what you see through the windshield.” 

I have found this to be good, life-saving advice over the years – and, not just for aviators.  So, I also use this realistic approach in my everyday life. I try to assess reality according to what my mind’s eye can actually see through the windshield of the present moment. And here is one of those things.

There is a simple operational principal which governs the quality of both our personal and our national relationship with God.  It is revealed in the New Testament writings of the apostle, James.  That apostle said, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  Simple, right?  And, the reciprocal principal is just as simple and just as true.  Draw away from God, whether individually or as a nation, and He will also be drawn away from you.

 And, when this parting movement comes to our relationship with God, there are always practical consequences - consequences which become ever more dire with the widening of that relational distance.  Consequences like those presently occurring in this now widely God-estranged America.

 Already, we are a deeply divided and greatly weakened nation – fully immersed in a dark, downward spiral which now touches every facet of our society. Our own government is purposely inviting a huge daily invasion through our southern border.  And, that same government, being thoroughly infiltrated with Marxist Democrat politicians and political operatives who detest our way of life, has now become an imminent threat to our very existence as a free and prosperous nation. They are daily plotting and actually implementing the end of this liberty-rich land.

 Our foundation, the rule of just laws, is crumbling at their direction – as is the integrity of our elections. Prices now soar as the worth of the dollar free falls, not due to natural forces, but by the design of those seditious plotters.  The plan being to break the back of our prosperity and replace it with a Marxist system which has never led any nation to anything but impoverishment in both treasure and soul.  

 Beyond all of this, our judicial and educational systems are widely corrupted by woke and socialist agendas. And, our salivating enemies, Communist Russia, the Chinese Communist Party, the psychopathic leadership of Iran, the brutal drug cartels and the now way-out-of-the-closet Marxist Democrat Party are spontaneously forming into an alignment. They are just naturally moving together as they sense the nearing final stage of their long dream - the permanent subjugation of America through this coming election.

 But for too long our misdirected gaze has been mistakenly fixed merely on these political intrigues. Certainly these political realities are very significant.  But these are only the downstream results of the much more fundamental cause of our woes.  The real headwaters of our rapid national disintegration actually swirl out of that previously mentioned relational rift with God.  And these political and social difficulties are just those previously noted practical consequences which always flow out of such a rift.

 The historical pages of the Bible actually hold many accounts of such divine retreats involving the nation of ancient Israel.  And, their national pattern was always the same as is ours now.  Those times of God’s estrangement from that nation were always precipitated by a widely abandoned respect and love for Him. 

 So now, this form of divine corrective discipline has also come to us – due to our similar behavior.  The beginning point of this change in the status of God’s national guardianship is easily noted by His non-intervention in that disaster that was our 2020 presidential election.  And, the seriousness of that change is clearly underscored by the quickness and depth of our national decline since. 

 But it would seem that this coming election and the possibility of obtaining a vastly more enlightened administration, may actually be the offer of a divine olive branch.  It may be that these last four years were God’s way of clearly demonstrating to the nation the harsh reality which emerges when we widely undervalue and thus begin to lose the blessing of His guardianship over the nation.  So, now the nation is better equipped to understand what is really at stake in this crucial hour if our national attitudes and behavior go unchanged and this relational rift continues to widen.    

 Thus, history now waits to actually mark its record.  And, so must we also wait to see how this present-day America will treat this possible opportunity for a reconciliation with God and a national healing. 

 Will we smugly choose to continue with our secular disrespect? Will we continue in our widespread shallowness within the Church?  Will we allow unfolding events, absent God’s guardianship, to continue to push us permanently into the abject darkness of Marxism?  Or, will we widely come again to that truth which we once knew so very well?  The truth that, ultimately, both individually and as a nation, our success ever resides much less in our own prowess and much more in God’s friendship.   ~ Larry Burnett

The Re-Awakening Series by Larry Burnett is a unique, (fiction/ non-fiction) two book set.  Devil Whispers  and Spiritual Dynamics were born of and for this crucial hour in America. 

At Freedom Bridge Press, we are happy to commend these truly God-commissioned books.  They paint a single clear picture of the devastating treacheries within what has become America’s present secular and religious house of mirrors.  And, they describe precisely how to escape the outlandish deceptions of those grotesque images – both for the nation and the individual.  These book have something to say that this present America desperately needs to hear.  And they say it with great clarity.  

And, the books can be simply and securely ordered directly from The Back 40 Bookstore (linked below) or from the leading book retailers who are also conveniently linked there.  And, please understand that books, in spite of their inherent cost, are still our ministry’s best medium for extensive communications.  But we are, indeed, a ministry devoted to serving God’s message and the well-being of this nation. 

So, Freedom Bridge Press happily accommodates a snug budget by making a complete promotional two book set available (in paperback form) at no cost to those who request it. And, there is a “Contact Us” link in the bookstore by which to forward that request. We won’t let cost be an obstacle to your reading if you won’t.  ~ FBP

Meet The Books:  A Larger Intro to the Books

Meet the Author:  Larry's Back Story

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