Jan 6, 2025

Game On: My Move

The whole impetus of our faith is for the believer to personally grow into a beautifully intimate, truth-based friendship with God.  And, indeed, this hunger for heart-oneness with Him is actually the birthmark of the redeemed.  Truly, the redemptive work of both the Dying and the Living Christ is entirely about this uncomplicated purpose.  All that Christ has done and is doing is simply about restoring us to this amiable heart-oneness with our loving God.

And truly, that renewing divine process is breathtaking in both its scope and its effectiveness.  So, the simple purpose of The Re-Awakening Series, a very unique two book set, is simply to refresh the big picture of that authentic redemptive journey. 

Why? And, why now?  Because at this late hour in history, the redemptive road has been long and hazardous for mankind.  The sad reality is that history’s records clearly indicate that some in our God-beloved species are, nevertheless, always tempted into Satan’s very deceitful house of warped religious mirrors.  So, it’s not surprising that present generations also now sometimes struggle.  They too, sometimes fail to make a clear distinction between those grotesque, satanically-doctored images of the faith-walk and the genuine, God-rendered image.

Thus, it has become my honor, through the books of this short series to freshly expose and confront those deceptive satanic distortions. But exposing the misdirections of the Darkness is really just an integral necessity within the larger and more gratifying dimension of this ministry endeavor.   

By far, my greater honor and deepest joy flow from exposing the beauty and perfect efficacy of God’s authentic truth.  And, this is especially true of that redemptive truth which does absolutely liberate humanity – not only from the clutches of the Darkness, but also from our own disabling brokenness.

 So, this series not complicated.  In the course of these readings, I do my very best to knock down that devil-constructed house of mirrors, smashing as many of those soul-killing, life-wasting religious distortions as I possibly can.  The idea is, of course, to leave standing only that accurate, God-rendered, image of the true faith-walk.

The loving intent of these works is simply for present generations to continue to widely experience a personal redemption which brings an unbounded, Living Christ-empowered newness to both their character essence and their lifestyle reality.  And all of this, so that they might richly experience the day-to-day wonder of a completely fulfilling intimacy with God.  There is simply no satisfying substitute for this authentic divine purpose – neither for God, nor for man. So, these two books are all about perpetuating, in the here and now, this wondrously fulfilling divine friendship. 

  Devil Whispers: (Fiction 167 pgs.) The First Book

The simple reality is this.  Satan is as real as God.  And, he is very intelligent in a thoroughly darkened way.  And, he has now had eons of time to use that tortured intellect to develop many consummate tactics of deception. And, indeed, he has done so. Furthermore, he has also taught these treacherous tactics of spiritual warfare to that hideous legion of demons which follow him – also very real. 

 As a result, humanity has now long suffered under constant psychological assault from this “Legion of Darkness.” And due to this ceaseless subconscious onslaught, humanity has widely experienced a diminished awareness of the sheer goodness of our Creator/ God and of the benevolent truth which He has provided through Christ to rescue us and shield us from evil and harm. 

 And, the harsh secondary outflows of that diminished awareness have now become all but endless.  We are slaughtered by the millions in the wars which Satan’s heartless demons slyly cultivate through their human dupes.  And, similarly, we are also regularly convinced to see evil as good and good as evil – thus wrecking our bodies, our relationships with both God and man, the quality of our lives, and the good order of our world.

So, we ever bleed, and wallow in a mire of unending social confusion, and struggle, within and without, with chronic chaos of every sort.  And, all of this while the Darkness constantly continues to convince more and more of us to push away our benevolent Creator and Savior, thus causing our souls to perish en masse

And yet, as a species, we remain far too unaware that these chronic, inter-generational devastations are happening by demonic design.  We just don’t seem to widely make the serious connection that they are psychologically cultivated by these unseen demons of the Darkness.  And doubtless, this is largely due to the fact that they do their devilish work, even as they, themselves, remain mostly hidden – their own culpability being shielded from view by the foreground visibility of their dupish human instruments.

So, it is because of this hard-to-see / hard-to-grasp nature of the demonic underworld that I chose a fiction format over non-fiction for Devil Whispers.  Some things (and certainly this demonic thing) are just better dramatized than verbally described. 

Every evil work of the Darkness confirms its slippery, slithery, hard-to-expose nature. And the light is just much more easily shined on these invisible demonic pot-stirrers by the greater literary liberties afforded by a fictional approach.

But, in fact, I wish there was a book classification called “non-fiction fiction.” If there were such a class, I would have chosen it to classify this book.  DW is essentially, and even in much of its detail, an accurate expose´ of the satanic economy.  When finished with Devil Whispers, it is all but guaranteed that Satan’s normally very ethereal “Economy of Darkness” will have a much more concrete feel in the reader’s mind than was previously so.

 Spiritual Dynamics: (Non-fiction 161 pgs.) The Second Book 

The two books in this series (or set, if you prefer) can be read individually and/ or in reverse order and they will still render good benefit.  But they are much more beneficial when read together in the intended order:   Devil Whispers first, and then Spiritual Dynamics.

It works like this. Devil Whispers, is essentially a wide-framed, fast-moving historical documentary portraying high-points of the human experience in an all-encompassing way.  Which is to say, it shows those events in both the physical and the metaphysical dimensions as they actually do occur - i.e. simultaneously, and sharing a cause-and-effect inter-connection. 

Spiritual Dynamics then follows as a clear, accurate, and detailed commentary to factually interpret humanity's two dimensional  reality. But given the import of the subject matter addressed by Spiritual Dynamics, you will probably be surprised by the tone of its approach. 

It is not written in a heavy theological brogue.  Nor does it read like a doctoral thesis. And, it does not employ an oppressive, “thou shalt” overtone. 

Rather, this book is very purposely written in a more everyday language and a fairly light inflection to facilitate a more relaxed flow of its vital and valuable insights. And, regarding those insights, Spiritual Dynamics is truly a fresh step forward as an explanation of God’s thoroughly life-renewing redemptive process.  Indeed, this book has a tremendous capacity to broaden the reader’s practical understanding of the full scope of what God is really up to in Christ.

 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”  It is a simple and biblical concept, is it not?  And, Spiritual Dynamics shows the reader precisely how, through both the Dying and the Living Christ, to correctly engage this idea.  And, in so doing, it enables the reader to experience the sheer joy of an intimate, empowering, and completely fulfilling divine friendship every single day.

Obviously, wrong roads lead to wrong places.  Spiritual Dynamics is a purpose built literary GPS serving but one simple command input:  “Take Me Safely Home.”

 The Re-Awakening Series by Larry Burnett

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These books can be very securely purchased from The Back 40 Bookstore (linked below) or from the leading book retailers who are also conveniently linked there.

But please know, at Freedom Bridge Presswe are always a ministry first.  We are devoted to serving God’s authentic message and the spiritual well-being of the Church and this nation. So, FBP is happy to accommodate snug budgets by making available the complete two book series as a paperback promotional set at no cost of any kind to those who need this help. And, there is a “Contact Us” link in the bookstore to accommodate that request.

   We won’t let cost be an obstacle to your reading if you won’t.

Regrettably, however, this offer can only be made available to addresses within the U.S.  But, inexpensive e-book versions of both books are available internationally through Amazon.

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