The Re-Awakening

 The Author on The Re-Awakening Series 

Years ago, when I was learning to fly, I read these words of wisdom from a highly experienced airline pilot. He was writing of the dangers of flying into inclement weather.  He said, “Remember, the weather is not what someone forecasts.  The weather is what you actually see through the windshield.”  I have found this to be good, life-saving advice over the years – and, not just for pilots.

 Indeed, there are many “forecasters” out there these days.  And, there is also a ubiquitous media which seemingly gives a wide voice to all of them – whether for good or ill.  But my own intention is to hold to the sage advice of that old pilot.  I much prefer to trust the reality that my own mind’s eye can actually see through the windshield of the present moment

 And certainly, it is now a very scary picture.  Its dire implication is that, if our present course is not quickly amended, a societal "nightfall" is dead ahead for America.  And, it would now seem so close as to be all but unavoidable. 

 Already, we are a deeply divided and greatly weakened nation – fully immersed in a dark, downward spiral which now touches every facet of our society. We have literally been invaded through our southern border.  Our government has become far more a threat than a help.  Unelected bureaucrats and political operatives within that government are daily plotting and actually implementing the end of our way of life.

 The value we place on the rule of law is crumbling, as is the integrity of our elections. Prices now soar as the worth of the dollar free falls. Our judicial and educational systems are widely corrupted. And, both within and without, our gathering enemies are now brazenly asserting themselves.

So, for four long and grueling years now, we have endured this heart-breaking national decline. And, these years have sorely tested us – and test us still.  But even now, even with all of these dire indicators (and many more), the populace of America has not yet widely understood the more critical cause of it all.  And, until we do, we can only expect more of the same, right up to and including the abject darkness of that actual societal nightfall.

To our great discredit and embarrassment, our national gaze has far too long remained largely fixed on what has been the leadership fiasco of the present administration.  But, in fact, that dismal failure is but a downstream result of the more fundamental cause of our woes.  The real headwaters of our rapid national disintegration flow out of a supremely important shift in the spiritual realm.  That shift is God’s abdication of His divine guardianship over this nation. 

The truth of our circumstance is that these last four years were intended to clearly demonstrate the harsh reality which emerges when God takes a decisive back-step from that critically important role in our national life.  And, in fact, the historical pages of the Bible actually hold various accounts of such divine retreats – relational back-steps from the nation of ancient Israel.  These were times of God’s estrangement which were always precipitated by the willful misbehavior of that nation. 

And now, resulting from our own national waywardness, this form of divine corrective discipline has also come to us.  Its beginning point is easily marked by God’s non-intervention in that disaster that was our 2020 presidential election.  And, the great import of that divine absence is easily seen in how quickly this nation’s dark decline has occurred since then.

And, in our widespread failure even to recognize the occurrence of this divine estrangement, much less its import and its causes, even now, we daily expand our national heart-ache. In our cluelessness, we continue to persist in the causal behaviors, namely, our widening secular insolence and our God-insulting religious pretense.   

But now, with this coming election, at first blush at least, the possibility of obtaining a vastly more enlightened administration would seem to offer a vibrant new hope for the nation.  Indeed, having now sternly disciplined the nation through the last four years, it may be that this possibility indicates God’s willingness to forgive the nation and resume His precious national guardianship.

  But certainly, this can only happen if we now face up to the existence and seriousness of this relational rift between God and the nation and broadly turn from its chief causes.  And again, those causes are that growing secular disrespect and the pretentious religious shallowness within the American Church.  Only then can our national life be again set right under God’s amiable guardianship. 

 On the other hand, if we fail to widely address these disruptive relational issues, the result seems easily obvious.  Precisely as is happening now, unfolding events will inevitably just continue to push us toward, and finally into, that utter darkness which is already imminently threatening us.

The Re-Awakening Series is a two book set (Devil Whispers and Spiritual Dynamics) which was born of and for this pivotal time in America.  This God-commissioned series is clear, frank, and honest – and all with only the simple intention of helping to avert that terminal sorrow.  

  But, history now waits to actually mark its record.  And, so must we also wait to see how the present American generations will treat this possibility for a national healing.  Will we choose to simply continue widely holding to those present divisive behavioral patterns?  Or, will we, indeed, freshly embrace an enlightened awareness of the crucial importance of God’s guardianship role in our national life?   And, in turn then, will we begin again in the secular quadrant to widely respect it and in the Church to more deeply give ourselves to that wondrous benevolent supremacy of His being?

 My hope, as we are in the throes of answering these critical questions, is that many will choose to be numbered among the conscientious people who will read these very special books. They do, indeed, compellingly show, through the windshield of this very defining present moment, the truly correct course to a thorough and durable renewal for this nation.  Respectfully, Larry Burnett

 The books in this series can be securely purchased directly from The Back 40 Bookstore (linked below) or from your favorite leading book retailers who are also conveniently linked there. 

 At Freedom Bridge Press

We are happy to commend this unique, hybrid (fiction/ non-fiction) two book series called, The Re-Awakening by Larry Burnett.  Our hope is that, as these books begin to speak to the nation they will stimulate a serious renewal of our national relationship with God – both within and beyond the Church.  Truly, we now stand at an existential crossroads in America. So, whether you are a Christian believer or a secular individual, these books will clarify what is the correct way back to God’s proactive guardianship over this nation – and, if you prefer, over your life, individually.  - FBP

Devil Whispers: (Fiction 165 Pgs.) The 1st Book 


Aware or not – we are constantly living in, moving through, and being impacted by two dimensions of reality.  They are the physical and the metaphysical (or spiritual) dimensions.  Devil Whispers merges both of these realities into a single view.  The captivating storyline of the book then employs this larger view to follow and realistically expose the methods, treacheries, and colossal misdeeds of the Darkness.

            And, this storyline is far-flung and fast moving.  It begins in 2037. But it then quickly circles back through history passing through and noting the important upheavals of these present times, as it ultimately comes again to 2037. Once back there, the cataclysmic events of that time – events rooted in the spiritual, social, and political stress cracks occurring today – are allowed to play out in an alarmingly realistic way. It is likely that this journey will move you and significantly impact how you understand life’s bigger picture.

Spiritual Dynamics: (Non-fiction 161 Pgs.) The 2nd Book


Given the seriousness of the subject matter addressed by Spiritual Dynamics, you will probably be surprised by the tone of its approach.  It is not written in a heavy theological brogue.  Nor does it read like a doctoral thesis.  And, it does not employ an oppressive, “thou shalt” overtone. 

            Rather, this book is very purposely written in a more everyday language and a fairly light inflection to facilitate an easier flow of information.  And, regarding that information, Spiritual Dynamics is truly a fresh step forward as an explanation of the authentic redemptive process.  Indeed, this book has a tremendous capacity to broaden the reader’s practical understanding and add depth and durability to his or her devotion. And, it makes a very stimulating group study book. 

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                               The Author's Backstory:

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